Aramis Micro-tattoo System - A revolutionary method for humane identification of laboratory animals. Micro-tattooing forceps with disposable hypodermic needle. Individual identification is essential for maintenance of health/study records and management of colonies of laboratory animals. This instrument is in compliance with regulatory agencies and research protocol requirements for care and use of laboratory animals. Advantages: Permanent mark is easily readable on pigmented or albino animals, Humane, Rapid and easy to apply, Almost infinite ID numbers, Sterile and disposable hypodermic needles prevent spread of potentially infectious disease, Inexpensive. Instructions: Choose the needle, Fill ink tank, Immobilization, Squeeze instrument, Identification with grid location, The needle is re-inked when it enters the ink tank on the other side. Discomfort of animal is minimal and equivalent to a quick injection with a very fine needle. Kit includes 1 oz. of green tattoo paste, 1 aluminium planchette, Plastic holding case, 2 practice hypodermic needles.
Aramis Microtattoo Kit
Braintree Scientific