Microliter Syringe Pump
Braintree Scientific

bs bsp-104a

High/Low Speed Precision Microliter Syringe Pump

The classic high speed Microliter Syringe Pump designed to meet the need in laboratories for rapid infusion of addictive compounds, especially nicotine.

Key features

  • Uses high quality Hamilton MICROLITER™ glass syringes to ensure precise, accurate delivery.
  • Supports three syringe sizes: 10 μl, 100 μl, and 500 μl.
  • Wide range of injection rates are possible.
  • Unprecedented injection speeds are possible. For example, using a 500 μl syringe, an injection volume of 100 μl can be delivered in under 100 ms!
  • Able to inject the entire syringe volume during a single injection.
  • USB operation facilitates use; no extra controllers are required.

Typical Maximum Injection Speeds

Syringe Size (ul) Max Rate at 10% Syringe Capacity (ul/sec) Max Rate at Full Syringe Capacity (ul/sec)
10 19 (inj. Volume 1 ul) 32 (inj. Volume 10 ul)
100 190 (inj. Volume 10 ul) 20 (inj. Volume 100 ul)
500 850 (inj. Volume 50 ul) 1320 (inj. Volume 500 ul)

Maximum and minimum injection rates are based on a saline infusion. Performance may vary depending upon viscosity of fluid. Injection rates shown represent the maximum rates achievable when either 10 % of the syringe capacity is injected or when the full syringe capacity is injected.

Overview of models:
